• Beef • Pork • Poultry • Seafood • Municipal
Services for Current and Potential Customers:
Engineering Evaluation–Review current systems and identify practical solutions for system improvement and efficiencies.
Design Recommendations–Recommend design improvements in process control to maximize scrubber functionality. Analysis of economic impacts on the bottom line, suggesting alternative options, and potential for increased productivity and improvements in ROI.
Onsite Chemical Trials–Demonstration of system improvements with impact reporting of results.
System Implementation–Project management of process installation and design of state of the art system control and instrumentation.
Environmental Compliance–Provide consulting on measures to exceed government compliance using economical, safe, and effective technology.
Bulk Delivery–Installation of systems to draw on efficiencies of scale to minimize cost and maximize production, while providing the broadest spectrum and most highly effective noxious odor VOC removal available.